46 research outputs found

    Modelo para el análisis de arquitecturas de intermediación electrónica

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    La tecnología asociada al mundo del comercio electrónico la visto durante estos años como se pasaba de un periodo de incertidumbre inicial, a un período de tremendo opitimismo en el que, coincidiendo con el auge de las empresas "punto-com" se dsarro1laron rápidamente muchas tecnologías de todo tipo. Actualmente, diferentes combinaciones tecnológicas han llevado a la construcción de arquitecturas, aplicaciones y plataformas con propósitos diversos que necesariamente han de convivir e interaccionar entre ellas. Por ese motivo, se aprecia la notable necesidad de desarrollar nuevas tecnologías y mecanismos orientados principalmente a salvar toda esta heterogéneidad existente. Esta tesis parte del hecho de que la gran cantidad de tecnologías diferentes y las características tan particulares del entorno que las engloba, han elevado la complejidad del sector de forma muy considerable. Por un lado, a los desarrolladores de aplicaciones se les exigen unc conocimientos detallados sobre muchas tecnologías distintas. Por otro, muchas empresas se están viendo forzadas a cambiar sus procedimientos de selección tecnológica pues el clásico esquema de desarrollo&medida, empieza a no ser rentable. Además, el ritmo de aparición y evolución de tecnologías y arquitecturas sigue siendo alto y cada vez resulta más complicado analizarlas o clasificarlas. Apoyándose en diversos criterios que surgen de la formalización del concepto de complejidad, se propone un modelo genérico para facilitar el análisis de las características de las arquitecturas de comercio electrónico centrándose principalmente en los aspectos tecnológicos de las mismas y haciendo especial hincapié en las platafornas de intermediación electrónica

    Radiography of internet autonomous systems interconnection in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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    Lots of studies about the Internet Autonomous System (AS) level topology have been carried out during the last twenty years, most of them analyzing this topology on a world-wide scale, a lot of them based on routing information from the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). However, studies focusing on a specific region and making comparisons between regions are not that popular and in fact, most world-wide studies are not valid in some particular regions. This work is targeting this particular problem of the regional or country topology analysis by enhancing regular AS-level graphs where to apply different connectivity metrics. The focus is set on Latin America and the Caribbean (the LAC region) which exhibits appropriate conditions for this type of analysis and where we show that a basic metric comparison may not be good enough so as to realize that there is a connectivity problem in the region. After concluding that the situation in the LAC region in terms of interconnection is even worse than expected, we perform some country-level studies finding correlations between graph characteristics and some socioeconomic indicators. We then use these correlations to identify countries in which it would be worth pushing for the deployment of an Internet Exchange Point (IXP), as simulating the creation of an IXP there has a great impact on the interconnection level and on the robustness of the regional Internet.The work done by Francisco Valera has been partially granted by the European Commission project LEONE (From local measurements to global management, grant number FP7-317647). The work done by Sofía Silva has been partially funded by IMDEA Networks.Publicad

    Enabling the orchestration of IoT slices through edge and cloud microservice platforms

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    This article addresses one of the main challenges related to the practical deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions: the coordinated operation of entities at different infrastructures to support the automated orchestration of end-to-end Internet of Things services. This idea is referred to as "Internet of Things slicing" and is based on the network slicing concept already defined for the Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile networks. In this context, we present the architectural design of a slice orchestrator addressing the aforementioned challenge, based on well-known standard technologies and protocols. The proposed solution is able to integrate existing technologies, like cloud computing, with other more recent technologies like edge computing and network slicing. In addition, a functional prototype of the proposed orchestrator has been implemented, using open-source software and microservice platforms. As a first step to prove the practical feasibility of our solution, the implementation of the orchestrator considers cloud and edge domains. The validation results obtained from the prototype prove the feasibility of the solution from a functional perspective, verifying its capacity to deploy Internet of Things related functions even on resource constrained platforms. This approach enables new application models where these Internet of Things related functions can be onboarded on small unmanned aerial vehicles, offering a flexible and cost-effective solution to deploy these functions at the network edge. In addition, this proposal can also be used on commercial cloud platforms, like the Google Compute Engine, showing that it can take advantage of the benefits of edge and cloud computing respectivelyThe work of Ivan Vidal and Francisco Valera was partially supported by the European H2020 5GinFIRE project (grant agreement 732497), and by the 5GCity project (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    DQN-based intelligent controller for multiple edge domains

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    Advanced technologies like network function virtualization (NFV) and multi-access edge computing (MEC) have been used to build flexible, highly programmable, and autonomously manageable infrastructures close to the end-users, at the edge of the network. In this vein, the use of single-board computers (SBCs) in commodity clusters has gained attention to deploy virtual network functions (VNFs) due to their low cost, low energy consumption, and easy programmability. This paper deals with the problem of deploying VNFs in a multi-cluster system formed by this kind of node which is characterized by limited computational and battery capacities. Additionally, existing platforms to orchestrate and manage VNFs do not consider energy levels during their placement decisions, and therefore, they are not optimized for energy-constrained environments. In this regard, this study proposes an intelligent controller as a global allocation mechanism based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL), specifically on deep Q-network (DQN). The conceived mechanism optimizes energy consumption in SBCs by selecting the most suitable nodes across several clusters to deploy event requests in terms of nodes’ resources and events’ demands. A comparison with available allocation algorithms revealed that our solution required 28% fewer resource costs and reduced 35% the energy consumption in the clusters’ computing nodes while maintaining high levels of acceptance ratio.This work has been supported in part (50%) by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain under projects PID2019-108713RB-C51 & PID2019-108713RB-C52 MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and in part (50%) by AI@EDGE H2020-ICT-52-2020 under grant agreement No. 10101592

    Entornos de verificación de soluciones multi-path BGP

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    Proceeding of: IX Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, JITEL 2010, Valladolid, Spain, 29 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2010Actualmente la utilización simultánea de múltiples caminos en redes de comunicaciones tiene el potencial de generar una serie de importantes beneficios como la mejor utilización de los recursos disponibles o la mayor robustez y protección de las transmisiones. Sin embargo, las soluciones existentes hoy en día para dotar a los routers de un paradigma multi-camino no pasan de ser propuestas aisladas o soluciones concretas intra-dominio. Entre otras cosas, esto se debe a las dificultades de probar y validar las diferentes soluciones como a las dificultades de un posterior despliegue. En este artículo se propone un entorno desarrollado para poder verificar soluciones multi-path inter-dominio (BGP) tanto por la vía de la simulación como por la vía de la implementación real de la solución. Se describirá también cómo se ha validado la propuesta con dos soluciones actualmente en desarrollo, habiéndose detectado así en ellas problemas de convergencia.Este artículo ha sido parcialmente financiado por la Comisión Europea a través del proyecto Trilogy (ICT-216372), del VII Programa Marco y por la Cátedra Telefónica-UC3M en Internet del Futuro para la Productividad.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramNo publicad

    IMS signalling for multiparty services based on network level multicast

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    3rd EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 21-23 may 2007.The standardization process of the UMTS technology has led to the development of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IMS provides a framework that supports the negotiation of the next generation multimedia services with QoS requirements that are envisioned for 3G networks. But even though many of these services involve the participation of multiple users in a multiparty arrangement, the delivery technology at network level is still unicast based. This approach is not optimum, in terms of transmission efficiency. In this paper, a new approach is presented proposing to use a network level multicast delivery technology for the multiparty services that are signalled through IMS. The main advantages and drawbacks related with this new approach are analyzed in the article. Finally, as a starting point in the development of the presented solution, a new SIP signalling dialogue is proposed allowing the negotiation of a generic multiparty service, and supporting at the same time the configuration of the corresponding network level multicast delivery service with QoS requirements that will be used in the user plane.Publicad

    Reshaping the African Internet: From scattered islands to a connected continent

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    There is an increasing awareness amongst developing regions on the importance of localizing Internet traffic in the quest for fast, affordable, and available Internet access. In this paper, we focus on Africa, where 37 IXPs are currently interconnecting local ISPs, but mostly at the country level. An option to enrich connectivity on the continent and incentivize content providers to establish presence in the region is to interconnect ISPs present at isolated IXPs by creating a distributed IXP layout spanning the continent. The goal of this paper is to investigate whether such IXP interconnection would be possible, and if successful, to estimate the best-case benefits that could be realized in terms of traffic localization and performance. Our hope is that quantitatively demonstrating the benefits will provide incentives for ISPs to intensify their peering relationships in the region. However, it is challenging to estimate this best-case scenario, due to numerous economic, political, and geographical factors influencing the region. Towards this end, we begin with a thorough analysis of the environment in Africa. We then investigate a naive approach to IXP interconnection, which shows that a theoretically optimal solution would be infeasible in practice due to the prevailing socio-economic conditions in the region. We therefore provide an innovative, realistic four-step interconnection scheme to achieve the distributed IXP layout that considers and parameterizes external socio-economic factors using publicly available datasets. We demonstrate that our constrained solution doubles the percentage of continental intra-African paths, reduces their lengths, and drastically decreases the median of their RTTs as well as RTTs to ASes hosting the top 10 global and top 10 regional Alexa websites. Our approach highlights how, given real-world constraints, a solution requires careful considerations in order to be practically realizable.Rodérick Fanou was partially supported by IMDEA Networks Institute, US NSF grant CNS-1414177, and the project BRADE (P2013/ICE-2958) from the Directorate General of Universities and Research, Board of Education, Madrid Regional Governement. Francisco Valera was partially funded by the European Commission under FP7 project LEONE (FP7-317647). Amogh Dhamdhere was partially funded by US NSF grants CNS-1414177 and CNS-1513847.Publicad

    Loop-freeness in multipath BGP through propagating the longest path

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    Proceeding of: International Workshop on the Network of the Future (FUT-NET 2009), In: IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 2009. ICC Workshops 2009, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009The concurrent use of multiple paths through a communications network has the potential to provide many benefits, including better utilisation of the network and increased robustness. A key part of a multipath network architecture is the ability for routing protocols to install multiple routes over multiple paths in the routing table. In this paper we propose changes to local BGP processing that allow a BGP router to use multiple paths concurrently without compromising loop-freeness.This work has been partly funded by Trilogy, a research project (ICT-216372) supported by the European Community under its Seventh Framework Programme.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Enabling Layered Video Coding for IMS-Based IPTV Home Services

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    Nowadays IPTV services are gaining attention from both providers and end users. There is a large effort toward the integration of these services into emerging next-generation network architectures. In particular, one of the most relevant solutions is being proposed by ETSI-TISPAN and is based on the IP multimedia subsystem. This article focuses on introducing layered video coding into TISPAN IMS-based IPTV architecture, allowing cost-effective efficient solutions both for residential users and providers (e.g., flexible support of heterogeneous devices, live mosaics, adaptive video quality based on device and/or network capabilities). The advantages of using layered video coding in the TISPAN IPTV solution are analyzed and illustrated with a set of use cases. Furthermore, this solution has been integrated into a multimedia testbed in order to validate the presented proposal

    Adaptable and automated small UAV deployments via virtualization

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    In this paper, we present a practical solution to support the adaptable and automated deployment of applications of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAVs). Our solution is based on virtualization technologies, and considers SUAVs as programmable network platforms capable of executing virtual functions and services, which may be dynamically selected according to the requirements specified by the operator of the aerial vehicles. This way, SUAVs can be flexibly and rapidly adapted to different missions with heterogeneous objectives. The design of our solution is based on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies, developed under the umbrella of the fifth generation of mobile networks (5G), as well as on existing Internet protocol standards, including flying ad hoc network routing protocols. We implemented a functional prototype of our solution using well-known open source technologies, and we demonstrated its practical feasibility with the execution of an IP telephony service. This service was implemented as a set of virtualized network functions, which were automatically deployed and interconnected over an infrastructure of SUAVs, being the telephony service tested with real voice-over-IP terminals.This article was partially supported by the European H2020 5GinFIRE project (grant agreement 732497), and by the 5GCity project (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness